
Pakistan Public Holidays 2024

Public Holidays in Pakistan for 2024

This page provides a national calendar listing all public holidays for the year 2024. Please note that these dates may be subject to changes when official announcements are made, so we recommend checking back regularly for updates.

5 FebMonKashmir Day
23 MarSatPakistan Day
1 AprMonEaster Monday *
10 AprWedEid ul-Fitr
11 AprThuEid ul-Fitr Holiday 2024
12 AprFriEid ul-Fitr Holiday 2024
1 MayWedLabour Day
17 JunMonEid ul-Azha
18 JunTueEid ul-Azha Holiday
16 JulTueAshura
17 JulWedAshura
14 AugWedIndependence Day
16 SepMonMilad un-Nabi
25 DecWedChristmas Day *
25 DecWedQuiad-e-Azam Day
26 DecThuDay after Christmas *
Public Holidays in Pakistan for 2024

Please be aware that the dates in this table are estimates. We will promptly update this page once the official public holiday dates for 2024 are released.

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